Uploading GIS files is not working

If the GIS file you are trying to upload doesn’t open in a GIS viewer, like QGIS or ArcGIS, please review the error in the viewer to solve it.

If it does, make sure you are uploading all GIS data at once, you can zip all the GIS layers and upload it into Qatium.

Other problems with GIS files could be:

  • No geometry: all features must have a geometry.
  • No coordinates: Qatium is a map-based application that needs coordinates to place your network on the map. Remember, we don’t support references to a map file.
  • No asset data: the minimum asset data required by Qatium is a pipe layer. Make sure your dataset includes at least pipe data.

Still having issues importing your GIS files? Check out the following articles:
Errors uploading GeoJSON files

Errors uploading Shapefiles