Qatium locates your network in different ways, depending on the type of files you upload and the information they include. We encourage you to set your network projection to ensure that its location on the map is accurate.
Here’s how it works for each type of file:
EPANET .inp files
Type of file | Projection included | What Qatium does |
EPANET (.inp) |
No |
Q helps you select the most accurate option |
Yes |
Reads variable: Q_VAR_PROJECTION: crs info For example: EPSG:4326 or ESRI:32059 OR Q_VAR_PROJECTION: prj info For example: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0+lon_0=0 +k_0=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +units=m |
Right after the upload is complete, if your .inp doesn’t include a projection, Q will guide you to find the most suitable one.
- Find your network location on the map
- Select the most accurate projection candidate from Q suggestions
- Click Ok
GIS files
Type of file | Projection included | What Qatium does |
Shapefile |
No |
Ignores the layer |
Yes |
Reads .prj file information | |
No |
Assumes GeoJSON canonical projection (WGS84 / EPSG:4326) |
Yes |
Reads the projection declared |
Both .inp + GIS files
Type of file | Projection included | What Qatium does |
.inp |
Yes |
Reads the projection declared in each file type. |
Yes |
.inp |
No |
Tries to use the GIS projection if it matches |
Yes |
Change projection
If you have uploaded an .inp file–combined or not with other files– and the network seems misplaced, you can always change its location.
- Open the assistant by clicking on Q’s
- Select Change its location or ask Q to do so
- Go over the projection candidates and select the most suitable one