Keep your network updated

Updating your digital network allows you to have a more accurate representation of the physical one. Regardless of the file type you used to create your network, you can easily update it anytime by adding new files or replacing the existing ones.

Add new files or GIS layers

  1. Make sure to name the new files differently to avoid overwriting existing ones.
  2. While inside the network, drag & drop them into the interface.


Click on the Network layers icon and then Add data

⚠️ Important: Qatium doesn’t support more than 1 .inp file per network. Meaning that–even if the .inp is named differently–we always replace the existing one with the last .inp file added.


Replace existing files (EPANET or GIS layers)

  1. Make sure you keep the same file names as the existing ones.
  2. While inside the network, drag & drop them into the interface


Click on the Network layers icon and then Add data