Material full name | Accepted aliases |
Asbestos Cement | AC, Asbestos cement, FC, Fibrocemento, fibrocement, uralite, uralita |
Abrasion Resistant Outerwrap | ARO, Abrasion Resistant Outerwrap, Envoltura exterior resistente a la abrasion |
Cast Iron | CI, Cast Iron, Hierro fundido, Fundicion Gris |
Cooper | COPP, Cooper, Cobre |
Concrete Without Sheet Metal Jacket | CWOSMJ, CONC, Concrete Without Sheet Metal Jacket, Hormigon sin camisa de chapa, |
Concrete With Sheet Metal Jacket | CWSMJ, CONCC, Concrete With Sheet Metal Jacket, HCC, Hormigon con camisa de chapa |
Ductile Iron | DI, Ductile Iron, Hierro ductil, FD, Fundicion ductil |
Lined Ductile Iron | DIL, Lined Ductile Iron, Hierro ductil revestido |
Iron | FE, Iron, Hierro |
Galvanized Iron | GI, Galvanized Iron, HG, Hierro galvanizado |
Lined Galvanized Iron | GIL, Lined galvanised iron, Lined galvanized iron, Hierro galvanizado revestido |
High Density Polyethylene | HDPE, High Density Polyethylene, Polietileno de alta densidad |
Lead | L, Lead, Plomo |
Low Density Polyethylene | LDPE, Low Density Polyethylene, Polietileno de baja densidad, Polietileno de densidad baja |
Medium Density Polyethylene | MDPE, Medium Density Polyethylene, Polietileno de densidad media |
Not available | NA, N/A, Not available, No disponible |
Pretressed Concrete | PC, Pretressed Concrete, Hormigon pretensado |
Polyethylene | PE, Polyethylene, Polietileno |
Polyethylene 100 | PE100, Polietileno 100, Polyethylene 100 |
Polyethylene 80 | PE80, Polietileno 80, Polyethylene 80 |
Polyvinyl Chloride | PVC, Polyvinylchloride, Polyvinyl Chloride, Policloruro de vinilo |
Oriented PVC | PVCO, Oriented PVC, PVC orientado |
Reinforced Concrete | RC, Reinforced Concrete, Hormigon armado |
Steel | S, Steel, Acero |
Spun Iron | SI, Spun Iron, Hierro (spun) |
Stainless Steel | SS, Stainless Steel, Acero inoxidable |
Unknown | NIL, UNK, Unknown, Sin determinar, Desconocido |
Unplasticized PVC | UPVC,Unplasticized PVC, PVC no plastificado, Unplasticized polyvinylchloride, Policloruro de vinilo no plastificado |
⚠️ Important: Aliases are insensitive to case, accents and more than one space. For example, if you write steel instead of Steel the platform will still process it correctly.