Accepted aliases for element’s properties

Element Property / Field Aliases
All elements except Zones ID Id, assetid, ASSET_ID, WATHYDRANT, WATMAINID, WATSERVICE, WATVALVEID, OBJECTID, Unit_ID, Nombre, dc_id, Name
Zones ID Name, Nombre, Zone, Zona, Id, text
All elements Description Description, Descripcion
All elements Group Group, Grupo
All elements except Zones Lifecyle Life, lifecycle, d_lifecycl, estado_de_servicio
(Lifecycle) Active Active, Activo, Activa, En servicio
(Lifecycle) Abandoned Abandoned, Abandonada, Abandonado
(Lifecycle) Proposed Proposed, Propuesta, Propuesto, Planned
Pipes Length Shape__Len, Longitud, Length, Long
Pipes, valves, tanks Diameter diametro_nominal_dn__mm_, NominalDiameter, NOMINALDIA, Diameter_m, VALVE_SIZE, PIPE_SIZE, PIPE_DIA, Diameter, Diametro, DIAM_Ø, DIAM_Ø, dn_mm, Diam, Size, Ø, dn, Ø
Pipes Roughness coefficient Roughness, RoughCoeff, Rugosidad, CoefRug
Pipes, valves Minor loss coefficient MinorLoss, LossCoeff
Pipes, valves, pumps Status: OPEN, CLOSED, CV IniStatus, Estado, Status, estado_ape, estado_act, d_presents, d_normalst, normalstat
Pipes, valves, pumps Control Controls, Control
Pipes Material Material, d_material, PIPE_MTRL
Pipes Installation Date FECHA_DE_INSTALACION, FechaDeInstalacion, Installation_Date, InstallationDate, created_date, FECHA_DE_I, Installati, installdat, Fecha, Date, instal, laid

Pipes, junctions, tanks WarningThresholdMax WarningThresholdMax
WarningThresholdMin WarningThresholdMin
Junctions, Valves, Pumps, Supply sources, Tanks Elevation Elevation, Elev, COTASOLERA, COTA_TER, Altura, Cota, TotalHead, Head
Junctions (Hydrants / Customer points) Demand Demand, Demanda, BaseDem, DemBase
Junctions (Hydrants) Emitter Emitter, EmittCoef
Valves Type

ValveType, Category, Family,

Familia, Type, Tipo, Class

Valves, pumps Setting Setting, Consigna
Valves, pumps Upstream UpstreamConnections, UP, upstream
Pumps Power Power, Potencia, Potency, Output, Force
Pumps Operating curve (head curve) pump_curve, curva_bomba, HeadCurve
Supply sources Head (total elevation) TotalHead, Head, Altura, Height
Tanks Height Height
Initial level InitialLevel, StartLevel, NivelIni, IniLevel, Nivel, Level
Minimum level MinimumLevel, MinLevel, NivelMin, NivMin
Maximum level MaximumLevel, MaxLevel, NivelMax, NivMax
Minimum volume MinimumVolume, MinVolume, VolumenMin, VolMi
Maximum volume MaximumVolume, MaxVolume, VolumenMax, VolMax, Capacity, Capacidad
CanOverflow CanOverflow
Zones BaseDemand BaseDem, DemBase
DemandPattern DemandPattern, DemandPatt
Inlets inlets, entradas
Outlets outlets, salidas

⚠️ Important: Aliases are insensitive to case, accents and more than one space. For example, if you write height instead of Height the platform will still process it correctly.