To easily locate your elements on the map, it’s important to assign identifiers (IDs) to all of them.
IDs are usually defined by default. If they aren’t or if you want to rename them, go to:
- GIS Field = ID
- EPANET property = ID
Please bear in mind that, in Qatium, the IDs of your network elements must be unique,
and up to 31 characters:
- We only preserve letters from a-z and A-Z, numbers, and the following special characters _#-
- Qatium will automatically shorten a longer ID to 31 characters and replace any unidentified character with a number (only for GIS files).
If 2 or more of your elements have the same ID, Qatium will rename the duplicated ones in the following way: original ID + # (separator) + sequential number.
For example, if Tank ID, Supply source ID, and Pipe ID = Nellybay, Qatium will assign new IDs:
Supply source = Nellybay | Tank = Nellybay#2 | Pipe = Nellybay#3
When renaming duplicated IDs, Qatium applies hierarchy according to the following list.
Priority |
Asset |
+ |
1. Reservoir (Supply source) |
2. Tank |
3. Pump | |
4. Valve | |
5. Pipe | |
- |
6. Junction |
Splitting pipes IDs
The same happens whenever we split pipes into several segments. We do that when there’s a connection with another pipe, or when a customer receives water from the individual segments of the split pipes. We identify those as part of the original pipe by adding a suffix to their name.
For example, Original ID: T-0054 > ID for that pipe segments: T-0054#2, T-0054#3, etc.
On the map, you can interact with each segment without losing the whole pipe they belong to.

Zones IDs
For Zones, Qatium will check for duplicates and complete any duplicate IDs with “#[number]”.
For example: 3 zones with the ID “MyZone” will become “MyZone”, “MyZone#2” and “MyZone#3”
If there’s no ID specified for your zones, Qatium will use “zone #” (where # is a number) for your imported zones. E.g.ZONE 1, ZONE 2, ZONE 3