Element type

Qatium only requires you to upload a pipe layer to create a network, but we recommend you upload as many element types as available to make the best of the platform.

EPANET files

If you are using modeling tools like EPANET, the element type will be created automatically in the model (in the exported .inp file, it'll be shown as [ELEMENT]).

GIS files

For GIS files, you’ll need to name each file after the corresponding element type and Qatium will categorize them automatically.

Here’s how this automatic categorization works:

  1. The layer is categorized as Ignored if a filename contains any of the following aliases: non potable, no tratada, air valve, ventosa. Example:
  1. If a file contains linear elements it is considered a pipe layer.
  2. If a file contains polygons or multi-polygons with a zone alias in the filename (or a DemandPattern property in some element), it is considered a zone layer.
  3. For files containing point or multipoint elements, we search for aliases in the file name. If there’s more than one element that matches, we associate the file to the element type with the highest position in this table.

You can always recategorize your layer files at any time using the Network layers network-layers-panel-button.png panel. But please bear in mind that recategorization may impact the simulation and the network structure.

⚠️ Important: If you update a network with GIS layers by uploading a new EPANET file, all existing layers will be marked as ignored, except for zone layers.