
Available on pro-plan-badge.pngbusiness-plan-badge.pngenterprise-plan-badge.png

Flushing in Qatium is designed to work along with the Demand Spike function, assisting you in creating your flushing sequence.

You can use Demand Spike for fire-flow analysis, new development scenarios, criticality analysis, permitting, etc. But in this case, applying different demands to your junctions or hydrants will allow you to check if there are optimal optimal-velocity-icon.png or non-optimal non-optimal-velocity-icon.png velocities for flushing and the level of discoloration risk discoloration-risk-icon.png.

Flushing panel.png

Design a flushing sequence using Demand Spike

First things first: have a look at what the Demand Spike panel looks like and the tools and insights you can find in there.

Demand spike panel.pngNow, to design a flushing sequence using Demand Spike follow these steps:

  1. Switch to the Flushing mode in Work Modes work-modes-panel-button.png
  2. Go to the timeline and select the time you want to test this scenario
  3. Select a junction junction-icon.png or hydrant hydrant-icon.png
  4. Click or move the slider to increase the demand to reach an optimal flushing velocity in the targeted pipes, or type directly the new value in the box.


If the pipes maintain a velocity between 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) and 3 m/s (10 ft/s), Qatium will consider it optimal for flushing and highlight the pipes in green.

Qatium will also analyze and compare flow and velocities to find potential discoloration issues and show the affected pipes in orange. This indicator only appears when:

  1. The flow direction is reversed and the current velocity is >= 0.1m/s
  2. There is an enormous increase in velocity


In the Demand Spike panel, you’ll also see the resulting pressure for the selected hydrant in red, orange or green, depending on the pressure range:

Demand spike pressures (1).png

Demand spike pressures.png

All done? You can press the Reset reset-button.png button in the panel to reset the value for a selected junction. If you wish to start again and try new scenarios, click on the trash can delete-button.png in the Network Versions network-versions-panel-button.png panel.


💡 Tip from Q: Need a hand with your flushing sequences? If you ask, I can help you apply or reset demands and pressure values in a particular junction, check for optimal velocities and identifying discoloration risks.


⚠️ Important

  • Qatium applies the new demands from a specific time onwards. For example, applying the change at 12 am might not cause the same state of the network as applying it at 4 pm. 
  • You can close the Demand Spike panel, losing no value or the selected junction. Qatium will remember your selection the next time you open the panel.

Plan unidirectional flushing

You can also optimize your flushing by making the flow unidirectional. Define the optimal flushing operation by closing valves and forcing the water to flow from a single direction toward your hydrant. This allows you to reduce water waste by lowering the flow rate required and helps ensure you're meeting the correct velocity to clean the main.

Once you’ve completed the steps to design a flushing sequence:

  1. Select a valve next to the main you target to flush
  2. Switch the toggle OFF toggle-off-button.png
  3. Reduce the demand in the Demand Spike panel until finding the minimum value for which your targeted main maintains an optimal velocity

Repeat steps 1 & 2 as many times as valves are neighboring the targeted main.


Same as when changing hydrants’ demand, Qatium will show you optimal optimal-velocity-icon.png or non-optimal non-optimal-velocity-icon.png velocities for flushing and the level of discoloration riskdiscoloration-risk-icon.png.

⚠️ Important: If the Flushing plugin is not available on your subscription, you can buy it from the Marketplace or upgrade your plan.