Tank management

Tanks are among the most important assets in the network, and managing them is a critical part of your network management. 

Tanks details

Qatium distills all available tank data to provide you with clear and essential information. Hover over or click on the tank tank-icon.png icon to see it.


Tank autonomy

Available on pro-plan-badge.pngbusiness-plan-badge.pngenterprise-plan-badge.png

Not being able to provide water to its customers is probably one of the greatest fears of any water utility. This is the reason we want to give you as much insights as possible into the state of your tanks.

Through the Tank Autonomy tank-autonomy-panel-button.png panel, you’ll also see–as the name implies–an estimate of your tanks’ autonomy.


Setting tank level warnings

On top of that, you can set leading indicators of issues in your tanks, and access detailed information about the current situation. Operators can use warnings to devise a plan of action for preventive countermeasures against any service disruption.

To configure warnings, set thresholds (minimum and maximum values) for your tanks by uploading a .CSV file including the following columns:

Column label Asset Property Min Max Unit
Type of data <string> <string> <number> <number> <string>
  • Asset: the asset ID.
  • Property: could be flow, pressure, or level, for example.
  • Min: the threshold minimum value.
  • Max: the threshold maximum value.
  • Unit: of the property.

For example:




Make sure the units for the threshold values match the units of the variable we're setting the warnings to:

  • Pipe flow = flow unit
  • Tank level = level unit
  • Junction pressure = pressure unit

Qatium will analyze and process your live data to find relevant events and display warnings when your tanks’ autonomy trespasses your thresholds.

Tank warnings.png