Element | Property / Field | Aliases |
All elements except Zones | ID | Id, assetid, ASSET_ID, WATHYDRANT, WATMAINID, WATSERVICE, WATVALVEID, OBJECTID, Unit_ID, Nombre, dc_id, Name |
Zones | ID | Name, Nombre, Zone, Zona, Id, text |
All elements | Description | Description, Descripcion |
All elements | Group | Group, Grupo |
All elements except Zones | Lifecyle | Life, lifecycle, d_lifecycl, estado_de_servicio |
(Lifecycle) Active | Active, Activo, Activa, En servicio | |
(Lifecycle) Abandoned | Abandoned, Abandonada, Abandonado | |
(Lifecycle) Proposed | Proposed, Propuesta, Propuesto, Planned | |
Pipes | Length | Shape__Len, Longitud, Length, Long |
Pipes, valves, tanks | Diameter | diametro_nominal_dn__mm_, NominalDiameter, NOMINALDIA, Diameter_m, VALVE_SIZE, PIPE_SIZE, PIPE_DIA, Diameter, Diametro, DIAM_Ø, DIAM_Ø, dn_mm, Diam, Size, Ø, dn, Ø |
Pipes | Roughness coefficient | Roughness, RoughCoeff, Rugosidad, CoefRug |
Pipes, valves | Minor loss coefficient | MinorLoss, LossCoeff |
Pipes, valves, pumps | Status: OPEN, CLOSED, CV | IniStatus, Estado, Status, estado_ape, estado_act, d_presents, d_normalst, normalstat |
Pipes, valves, pumps | Control | Controls, Control |
Pipes | Material | Material, d_material, PIPE_MTRL |
Pipes | Installation Date | FECHA_DE_INSTALACION, FechaDeInstalacion, Installation_Date, InstallationDate, created_date, FECHA_DE_I, Installati, installdat, Fecha, Date, instal, laid |
Pipes, junctions, tanks | WarningThresholdMax | WarningThresholdMax |
WarningThresholdMin | WarningThresholdMin | |
Junctions, Valves, Pumps, Supply sources, Tanks | Elevation | Elevation, Elev, COTASOLERA, COTA_TER, Altura, Cota, TotalHead, Head |
Junctions (Hydrants / Customer points) | Demand | Demand, Demanda, BaseDem, DemBase |
Junctions (Hydrants) | Emitter | Emitter, EmittCoef |
Valves | Type |
ValveType, Category, Family, Familia, Type, Tipo, Class |
Valves, pumps | Setting | Setting, Consigna |
Valves, pumps | Upstream | UpstreamConnections, UP, upstream |
Pumps | Power | Power, Potencia, Potency, Output, Force |
Pumps | Operating curve (head curve) | pump_curve, curva_bomba, HeadCurve |
Supply sources | Head (total elevation) | TotalHead, Head, Altura, Height |
Tanks | Height | Height |
Initial level | InitialLevel, StartLevel, NivelIni, IniLevel, Nivel, Level | |
Minimum level | MinimumLevel, MinLevel, NivelMin, NivMin | |
Maximum level | MaximumLevel, MaxLevel, NivelMax, NivMax | |
Minimum volume | MinimumVolume, MinVolume, VolumenMin, VolMi | |
Maximum volume | MaximumVolume, MaxVolume, VolumenMax, VolMax, Capacity, Capacidad | |
CanOverflow | CanOverflow | |
Zones | BaseDemand | BaseDem, DemBase |
DemandPattern | DemandPattern, DemandPatt | |
Inlets | inlets, entradas | |
Outlets | outlets, salidas |
Aliases are insensitive to case, accents and more than one space. For example, if you write height instead of Height the platform will still process it correctly.
Aliases are insensitive to case, accents and more than one space. For example, if you write height instead of Height the platform will still process it correctly.