Element type | Aliases |
Supply sources | source, reservoir, fuente, embalse, pozo, well, suppl, suministro, inyeccion, import, input, entrada, wtp, wtw, sondeo |
Tanks | tank, tanque, deposito, almacenamiento, tower |
Pumps | pump, bomba, impulsion, booster, bombeo |
Valves | valve, valvula, shutoff, tcv, gpv, prv, psv, fcv, pbv, regula, control, llave, grifo, reductora, reducing, reducer, backflow |
Junctions | junction, hydrant, hyd, fitting, meter, contador, medidor hidrante, nodo, nudo, ventosa, incendio, boca, cruce, sensor, logger, service, connection, desague, caudalimetro, clorador, filtro, muestreo, sondeo, toma_de_presion |
Zones | zone, zona, dma, sector |
Aliases are insensitive to case, accents and more than one space. For example, if you write zone instead of Zone the platform will still process it correctly.
Aliases are insensitive to case, accents and more than one space. For example, if you write zone instead of Zone the platform will still process it correctly.