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Below the map, there’s a timeline. It represents a 24-hour period with 1h time steps. It also includes a date picker and a calendar. Combine them to:

  • visualize how your network performs during the day, 
  • start scenarios from a specific point in time, 
  • or to review historical data and past events. 
  1. Timeline controls: play, pause, move forward.
  2. Timeline pointer: it shows where in time you are operating or checking the network. Drag it to move along the timeline.
  3. Timeline
  4. Date picker: click to open the calendar.
  5. Calendar displayed

The following table shows detailed information about the timeline controls and their use: 

Timeline control Name  Use  

Timeline pointer Drag the pointer to move freely across the timeline. You can also click directly on the timeline and the pointer will move to the desired time step. 

Play button

Pressing play, the pointer moves forward in real-time speed. 

This will display all the simulation results after the current time step.

Pause button Press pause to stop at a exact point in the timeline.

Move forward button The pointer moves forward 1 hour at a time.

Day Before/After arrows Takes you to a day before or after the current day, at the same hour.

💡 Tip from Q: I can move through the timeline for you. Just ask me to show the network at any specific time or date, and I’ll do it!