On the right side of the map, right below the Search icon, you’ll find a button to display or hide
the Pressure panel . If you switch ON and OFF the toggle bar, you’ll activate
or hide pressure results on the map.
The Pressure panel calculates and displays the pressure at the customer points.
We represent the pressure results on the map with colored hexagons ranging from dark purple to
light yellow, depending on the average pressure value of all the junctions considered customer points.
Qatium defines an optimal pressure range for customer points between 20-60 m (or 30-90 psi in the US system). Whenever any of the customer points has an extreme pressure value (below 20 m or 30 psi or above 60 m or 90 psi), we use that value to color it instead of the average one.
For example:
Although there could be some customer points within the normal operating range of pressure (46.1m), because there is at least one above 60m Qatium will show it in yellow (the color in the scale used for pressures over 60m).
You can navigate to the minimum and maximum pressures in the customer points by clicking on the hexagons in the panel. And filter by pressure range using the colored squares.
💡 Tip from Q: You can also ask me to show you insights about the pressures on your network, without using the panel. Open the assistant and try asking: Show me low or high pressures on the network. Or: Show me pressures below x meters.
⚠️ Important: If a hexagon contains customer points both below and above the optimal pressure range, we give priority to pressures below the minimum.