Upload process

Regardless of the type of files you have, there are 2 ways to upload them: 

  • Use the Upload buttons in the workspace,
  • or directly drag & drop your files into the platform.

As you will see below, uploading a network is a simple two-step process. If you're having issues with your import, please contact us; our support team will be happy to assist.

Uploading an EPANET (.inp) file

If you already have a hydraulic model, you can simply upload the EPANET input file (.inp) into Qatium. Here’s how:

  1. Select your file
  2. Drag & drop it into the interface

💡 Tip from Q: Download the .inp file example in the additional resources for a demo of the data to include.


⚠️ Important

  • Please note that you can only upload one single .inp file at a time. Otherwise, we’ll process the first one and ignore the rest.
  • If your network doesn’t include a projection, Q will prompt you to select the most accurate one among various candidates. Learn more about projections in this article.

Uploading GIS files 

If you don’t have a hydraulic model yet, Q will help you create one from your GIS data.

  1. Select or zip all your layers (Shapefiles or GeoJSONs) 
  2. Drag & drop them into the interface

💡 Tip from Q:
Download the GIS template in the additional resources for a demo of the data to include.


⚠️ Important:

  • For each layer, all Shapefiles should be uploaded at the same time, using the same filename and corresponding file extension.
  • For the upload to be successful, the following Shapefiles are mandatory: .shp, .dbf and .prj.

Uploading EPANET (.inp) file and GIS files combined 

You can also upload both a .inp and GIS files at the same time:   

  1. Zip your files in a single folder
  2. Drag & drop it into the interface.

💡 Tip from Q:
You can repeat the steps above to create as many networks as you wish (from your workspace).


Upload completed

Whichever upload option you choose, once the import process is completed, your new network will open up automatically

Q, our digital water assistant, will welcome you, bring you up to speed on the import process and recommend options for your next steps. 

As easy as that, you’re now ready to work with your network.

However, if you want to make the most of it, we have some recommendations for you. Learn more about them in this section.