Why is the assigned demand different from consumption?

Models in Qatium are set by default to carry out a demand driven hydraulic analysis. The assigned demand value will match the consumption value at o’clock times as this is a result of the 1 hour time step simulation.

Those values can differ:

1. For a Pressure-Driven Analysis: in this case, water demand dynamically adjusts according to current pressure levels, reducing gradually under a specified threshold and ceasing entirely below a critical cutoff to avoid negative pressures in the network.

2. When performing a scenario where the demand cannot be met

E.g.: when a tank empties and cannot provide the assigned demand.

3. For networks with demand patterns smaller than 1 hour (e.g. 15-min time step): when checking the assigned demand at a time that is not an o’clock hour. The real assigned demand changes in shorter intervals than the consumption in your network, which means that those values will differ.