Discarding overlapping nodes

When there are overlapping nodes (nodes with the same coordinates, with a 0.05 m tolerance), only the first element is preserved, according to the following order of priorities:

  2. TANK
  3. PUMP
  4. VALVE
    1. PRV
    2. PSV
    3. FCV
    4. PBV
    5. GPV
    6. TCV

In case a Customer point overlaps with a Hydrant, the Hydrant will be preserved and the Customer point will be connected with a lateral to that hydrant.

⚠️ Important:

  • If a preserved node has no Elevation property, it is obtained from the first discarded node that contains that information.
  • Demands are only preserved if the preserved node is a junction. If a junction with assigned demands overlaps with a valve, it will be displaced 0.5m away from that valve and over the pipe it belongs to. This way, the demands are not lost.