You can use the search tool to quickly locate any of your network elements, regardless of whether you know the exact element ID or not.
You can search by element ID or by element address/location, depending on the information you have available.
- Click on the magnifying glass
- In the search bar, start typing the element ID or the address.

- After entering the first 3 characters, a drop-down list with suggestions will appear. Select the correct one.
Once you’ve made your selection, you’ll be automatically redirected to the element or address you were looking for.

From there and with the search panel still open, you can look for nearby elements to visualize how they interact in a specific area of your network.
Just select from the search list the assets you want to locate nearby, and we’ll highlight them on the map.

💡 Tip from Q: You can also open the assistant and just ask me to find it for you. I'll search for the asset or address and I’ll point it out on the map.
⚠️ Important: The search provides a maximum of 5 suggestions. If the element or address you are looking for does not appear, try completing the name even further to narrow down the suggestions.