
Available on business-plan-badge.pngenterprise-plan-badge.png

The Zones zones-panel-button.png panel allows you to display toggle-on-button.png or hide toggle-off-button.png the zones on the map.


If you click on a zone, you’ll also see some useful insights in the panel:

  • Zones pressures, where you find:
    • The number of customer points with low pressure: less than 20 m for international system networks and less than 30 psi for US customary networks.
    • The number of junctions with high pressure: more than 60 m for international system networks and more than 90 psi for US customary networks.
  • A list of the zone boundary valves, pretty useful when changing pressure zones boundaries.
  • Inlets and outlets in each sector. This will help you understand how the DMAs are supplied and notice if any value is outside the expected range.

Zones panel.png

Hovering over or clicking the zone, you’ll receive information about:

  • Minimum and maximum zone pressures: of all the junctions in the zones.
  • Minimum and maximum customer point pressure
  • Total customer points in the zone
  • Graphs for pressure insights

Zones popover & tooltip.png

If you have live data connected to your zones, Qatium will also provide useful insights on net flow and efficiency. Learn more about zones live data insights in this article.

💡 Tip from Q: Need more help? Ask me and I’ll show you the network zones on the map, a list the inlets and outlets, and a quick overview of the zone’s insights.

⚠️ Important: If the Zones plugin is not available on your subscription, you can buy it from the Marketplace or upgrade your plan.