
Qatium workspaces are the best place to start. From there, you can jump on any network to test scenarios or get a quick performance overview. All workspaces have several controls for you to perform different actions and to adapt the view to your specific needs.


  1. Workspace name: the name of the workspace you are in.
  2. Workspace selector: click on the arrow to switch between workspaces or create new ones.
  3. Network upload options: click any of the buttons to upload your files.
  4. Manage workspace button: if you have an Owner role, you can manage your workspace settings from here.
  5. Profile settings: from there you can sign out and view your profile details.
  6. Network page selector: if you have multiple networks, you can move quickly between them by clicking on the arrows.
  7. Network search: enter a network name to find it easier.
  8. Network sorting options: sort networks in your workspace by last accessed, name, most recent, and most used.
  9. Network cards: a card with the main information about each network.
  10. Assistant button: click here to talk to Q, your digital water assistant.

After signing up, you will land on your personal workspace (My networks). From there, you can:

  • create new workspaces
  • access the ones you’ve been invited to


If you have multiple workspaces, each time you sign back into Qatium, you’ll return to the one you last accessed.

Learn more about team workspaces and other collaboration tools in this section