Watermain shutdown

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Use case

Do you need to plan a watermain shutdown, either for maintenance, network expansion or an emergency? With this functionality, you will be able to find the best option to isolate pipes while minimizing the inconvenience to consumers.

Qatium allows you to:

  • Identify the valves that need to be closed to isolate a given pipe section
  • Identify alternatives for valves that are non operable
  • Identify alternative supply operation to reduce the affected customers

Data requirements

Depending on the data you have available for your network, you will be able to test different scenarios and/or get better insights. 

Double-check below if your network meets the data requirements to perform a watermain shutdown scenario with Qatium. 

The more information you have available, the better!

Minimum data requirements 

With this data, you can perform a basic shutdown in Qatium:

  • GIS data for all basic assets: supply sources, pipes, tanks, pumps, control valves.
  • Field information, controls, or .INP model
  • Shut-off valves
  • Isolation valves

Essential for deeper insights

Additionally to the minimum requirements, and as a best practice for deeper insights, we recommend your network to have the following data:

  • Hydrants and Customer points
    To be able to see the customers affected by the shutdown and download a report.
  • Zones
    For a better understanding of the isolation impact at a zone. And to ease decision making of the alternative valves.
  • SCADA and Pressure & Flow sensors
    For a quick emergency response by assessing the real-time impact of the shutdown. Assuming the base model has the controls updated, you could perform a more precise simulation on a similar day in the past. 


To perform a shutdown scenario in Qatium you can use the following tools:

  • Shutdown work mode
  • Shutdown panel

If the Shutdown plugin is not available on your subscription, you can buy it from the Marketplace or upgrade your plan.

How to perform a watermain shutdown in Qatium

Video tutorial


Step-by-step guide

Access your network in Qatium and follow these steps to perform a shutdown:

  1. Activate the Shutdown work mode to hide any unnecessary distractions and focus only on your scenario.
    1. Go to the Work modes panel
    2. Select Shutdown
  1. Select a pipe on the map or use the search to quickly locate it.
  2. Close the pipe using the toggle bar in the Shutdown panel

You can repeat this process to close other pipes as many times as you need.

💡 Tip from Q: You can directly perform a shutdown through the assistant. Pretty amazing, right? Ask me on the chat to close a pipe, list the affected customers, resupply an area or even show you alternative valves to operate.


Insights & results

After closing a pipe, the map will highlight the affected area and display all unsupplied pipes with a dashed line . Qatium will also identify and close the valves near the selected pipes, from the current hour until the end of the day.

In the Shutdown panel, you’ll have more information about the shutdown.

  1. A list of isolation valves available
  2. Alternative supply valves, if any
  3. The number of isolated customers by the shutdown — highlighted in dark blue on the map. 
  4. The customers that are collaterally affected by the shutdown, but cannot be resupplied — highlighted in dark gray on the map. For example, when performing a shutdown up from a cul-de-sac.
  5. The isolated customers that can be resupplied by opening an alternative supply valve — highlighted in soft gray on the map.
  6. report with the affected customer points ready to download

⚠️ Important

  • We recommend importing the customer points or flow meter locations, so you see the correct amount of customers affected. Learn how to add customer points to your network by reading this article.
  • The panel and the map will show only the isolated customers for the selected isolated area. When performing multiple shutdowns in the same scenario, select the desired pipe to see detailed information about the shutdown.

FAQs & Troubleshooting

What happens if there are broken or any other non-operable valves?

If a valve fails or is inaccessible in the physical world, you can try alternative methods to isolate the pipe. 

  1. Mark any valve affecting the shutdown as non-operable by clicking on the Exclude valve icon from the Shutdown panel. 
  2. Qatium will find suitable alternative valves and use them instead.

💡 Tip from Q: To quickly locate valves, click on the locate valve icon in the panel and you’ll go directly to that valve in the map.


How can I find alternative supply for affected customers?

Sometimes, after performing a shutdown over a pipe, a collateral area could end up being isolated. In these cases, there can be options to supply water to that area without affecting the shutdown operation. 

You'll see a list of valves you can open to resupply the area and limit the number of consumers affected to a minimum.

  1. Go to the list of alternative valves
  2. Click on the toggle to open the valve and resupply the area

💡Tip from Q: To quickly locate valves, click on the locate valve icon in the panel and you’ll go directly to that valve in the map.


Why is my pipe not being shut?

Why is my pipe not being shut?

If you are trying to perform a shutdown on a pipe representing a check valve, and Qatium doesn’t find any shut-off valves, we won’t be able to continue with the operation.


Can I perform watermain shutdown without valves?

Can I perform watermain shutdown without valves?

Yes, but it's not ideal. When Qatium doesn't find enough shutoff valves to isolate the pipe, it assumes that the selected pipe represents a pipe surrounded by valves and changes its status to closed.

We recommend adding all your valves and customer points to your network for the optimal experience.

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