Meet Q, your digital water assistant

During your Qatium journey you’ll have Q — your digital water assistant, always there to help you out. 

They’ll give you information about network building, things to improve, errors, and other valuable insights to help you understand and work better with Qatium

You can launch Q anytime, both from the workspace and inside the network.

Ask for information by writing or by voice, ¡you decide!


Here are some things you can ask Q to help you with:

  • Solve general questions about Qatium and how the platform works
  • Locate and select assets in your network
  • Activate work modes
  • Hide and show elements on the map
  • Set the status (open, closed, etc.) for pipes, pumps and valves
  • Perform scenarios such as shutdowns, flushing analysis, applying new demands...
  • ¡And much more!


Some examples of queries for Q might be: 

- Hey Q, close valve V_29285042

- Open Picnic_P1 details

- What’s the downstream pressure of Picnic_P1?

- Please hide all elements but pumps


💡 Tip from Q: Keep your questions and requests simple, just like in any casual conversation. You can speak to me as if I were one of your colleagues.