Why isn’t my GIS data mapped to the right asset?

When importing GIS data, Qatium will try to interpret it and assign an asset type to each uploaded file. If you notice that Qatium couldn’t recognize your dataset, we recommend renaming your files to end as “_assettype”. E.g. mynetwork_valves.geojson

Here are the accepted aliases for each element type:

Element type Aliases
Supply sources source, reservoir, fuente, embalse, pozo, well, suppl, suministro, inyeccion, import, input, entrada, wtp, wtw
Tanks tank, tanque, deposito, almacenamiento, tower
Pumps pump, bomba, impulsion, booster, bombeo
Valves valve, valvula, shutoff, tcv, gpv, prv, psv, fcv, pbv, regula, control, llave, grifo, reductora, reducing, reducer, backflow
Junctions junction, hydrant, hyd, fitting, meter, contador, medidor hidrante, nodo, nudo, ventosa, incendio, boca, cruce, sensor, logger, service, connection,desague,caudalimetro, clorador,filtro,muestreo,sondeo, toma_de_presion
Zones zone, zona, dma, sector

⚠️ Important: Pipe feature files will be determined by their shape–line or polyline.