Plugins & use cases

Discover all you can do using the plugins from the Qatium Marketplace. Click on each one to display more information about use cases and features.

Watermain shutdowns  

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With this plugin, you can test the impact of watermain shutdowns before sending your crew out for field operations. It’s everything you need to run watermain shutdown scenarios.

  • Locate the right valve fast: Identify the right isolation valves to close for watermain shutdown operations.
  • Understand customer impact: See which customers are affected when performing a shutdown. Test options or find potential alternative supplies to minimize the disturbance caused.
  • Quickly find alternative valves to close if they’re inoperable in the field.
  • Review potential backfeeds: Avoid or minimize unintentional backfeeds in your system during shutdowns.

See Watermain shutdowns plugin


Flushing sequences 

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This plugin allows you to design and adapt flushing sequences that ensure clean water delivery and minimal customer disturbance.

  • Design sequences: Quickly find the optimal velocity to flush pipes effectively and ensure the delivery of clean water. 
  • Mitigate discoloration risk: Simulate and test flushing sequences to reduce the risk of discoloration. Find the optimal sequence with color visuals to guide you.
  • Adapt sequences on the fly: Adapt your sequences to reflect real-life conditions. Don’t wait, design alternatives if operators find broken hydrants or inaccessible valves.
  • Efficient water use: Design sequences that use the required amount of water for the desired result.
  • Simulate sequences in the field: View your Qatium water network and flushing sequences on mobile. 

See Flushing sequences plugin


Tank autonomy 

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This plugin provides a clear view of tank operations. With it, operators will have an estimate of the supply available in the tanks. Helping them to avoid interruptions in supply because of tanks running empty.  

  • Avoid tanks running empty: Quickly check how much capacity or operational time each tank in your network has before it runs empty. 
  • Identify all tanks in your network: View all tanks in your network, listed on a panel. 

See Tank autonomy plugin


Network zones 

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Understand the zones or District Metered Areas (DMAs) in your network at a glance. 

  • View zone boundaries: Highlight zone borders and understand what's inside by hovering over them.
  • Get DMA insights: Get quick high-level insights about zone performance or status. See minimum or maximum zone pressure, min / max customer pressure points, and net flow.
  • Boundary planning: You can quickly identify relevant zone details for boundary planning decisions. Pinpoint boundary valves, inlets, and outlets.

See Network zones plugin


Water age 

This plugin allows you to monitor the quality of water across your distribution system, tracking water age. 

  • Visualize water age across your network: The water age panel offers a range of colors showing the number of hours water has been in your network. Filter by time range to look for any areas of concern. 
  • Optimize network design: Use water age insights to optimize network design & operations, minimize water losses, and improve the efficiency of water treatment processes.

See Water age plugin


Change DMA pipe colors 

Extend Qatium’s pipe layer to suit your needs or ideas. This plugin allows you to change the color of pipes contained within specific zones or DMAs.

  • Easily identify zones or DMAs: By changing the color of a DMA’s pipes, you can easily distinguish between zones and the assets contained within it. 
  • Personalize Qatium: Customize Qatium’s pipe color palette to suit your needs and preferences. 

See Change DMA pipe colors plugin


Pressure management 

Manage pressure more efficiently in your network by optimizing setpoints of Pressure Reducing Valves (PRVs).

  • Manage pressure: Find all the areas in your network where pressure is managed. Identify key pressure locations, like the minimum customer pressure point. Get warnings if pressure is too high or low.
  • Control PRVs: Update the pressure settings or set points on PRVs.

See Pressure management plugin