Tank autonomy

Available on pro-plan-badge.pngbusiness-plan-badge.pngenterprise-plan-badge.png

On the right side of the map, you’ll find the Tank Autonomy panel tank-autonomy-panel-button.png button. When running scenarios, you can use it to visualize an estimation of the hours your tanks will supply the network if there’s a supply interruption, allowing you to be prepared for any incident.


You can also combine the tank autonomy estimation with other operations such as Demand Spike or Shutdown to verify how your tanks will behave under different scenarios (isolation from the main supply, pipe breakages, surges in demand, etc.).

You can verify the behavior of your tanks throughout the day moving along the timeline.

💡 Tip from Q: Did you know you can ask me about the autonomy of your tanks? Open the assistant and try it out: Hey Q, is there any tank with lower than x autonomy? Or: What's the autonomy of Picnicbay_SR?


⚠️ Important: If the Tank autonomy plugin is not available on your subscription, you can buy it from the Marketplace or upgrade your plan.