Besides pipes, your network may include other elements, such as supply sources, tanks, valves, etc. We represent the type of each element with an icon. Some of them also represent its status (open, closed, with issues…).
The following table shows a legend with the main icons and buttons you can find in Qatium, and what they represent.
Icon | Representation |
Supply source | |
Pipe | |
Pipe - unsupplied | |
Pipe with changes | |
Pipe with issues | |
Customer point | |
Highlighted asset | |
Hydrant | |
Hydrant with issues | |
Zone inlet, zone outlet | |
Junction | |
Junction with issues | |
Pipe closed when no valves present in the network |
Pump - on | |
Pump - off | |
Regulating valves (PRV) - open | |
Regulating valves (PRV) - closed | |
Regulating valves (PRV) - regulating | |
Sensor (no readings-readings) | |
Shut-off valve - closed | |
Shut-off valve - open | |
Shut-off valve - partially open | |
Check valve | |
Tank | |
Tank with issues | |
Asset with deviation (low, medium, high) |