Supply sources

If you don’t have the data for supply sources or it’s invalid, Qatium will infer the location of the source following these steps:

  1. Qatium divides the network into subnetworks.
  2. Then check the most dense one for a supply source.
  3. If it doesn't contain a supply source, we infer it at the end node with the highest elevation of the pipes with the largest diameter.

If the simulation cannot run with the defined source, Qatium will try to infer the location of an additional source.

Total head

  • From GIS files, Qatium only admits the Head property. In case the Head is not defined in the GIS files, we set a default value: Head = 30.
  • For .inp files, according to EPANET’s specifications, the total head will always be elevation + pressure head. In the rare case the Total Head property from the .inp file is 0, we’ll get the elevation from Mapbox elevation data and we’ll set Head to 30.

Head pattern

For some cases, Qatium can infer the supply source’s head pattern from a pressure reading next to it, leading to a more accurate model.

Here’s how it works: whenever a network has valid pressure readings next to a supply source, Qatium uses the pressure values of the closer one to build an inferred head pattern for the related supply source.

We consider a pressure reading is valid for a supply source when:

  • Is set on a junction element
  • Is 50m of pipe length or closer to the supply source
  • There is no element between it and the supply source different from pipes or junctions

⚠️ Important: When any required reading is not available, the head value will serve as the default for the pattern. If there are multiple valid pressure readings sit exactly at the same distance of the supply source, we’ll use the first one – in alphabetical order based on the asset ID – to build the pattern.


Terrain elevation

Qatium only processes elevation data when it's included as an attribute in point assets like junctions, tanks, supply sources, valves, and pumps.

Data you add to your files

GIS files

Field Elevation
Attribute <number>


Property Elevation
Value <number>

How Qatium processes that data

If not specified: Qatium will add it from Mapbox elevation data.


Water quality

Currently, Qatium only supports water age to calculate Water Quality. To have accurate water quality data shown in Qatium, you must include the water age parameter in your files.


  1. Set Parameter property to Age in the Quality options in EPANET
  2. Set the Initial Quality property for all the nodes. If not specified, EPANET assumes that the value is 0.
  3. Export the .inp file and upload it to Qatium to create a network or update an existing one.

GIS files

Include the Water Age property inside your GIS data. Then add a number (up to 2 decimal places) representing the number of hours.

Field Water Age
Attribute <number = hours>