Network display

You can customize the view of your network for any of your tasks in Qatium using the network display panels.

  1. Network layers panel 
  2. Network levels panel 
  3. Network elements panel

Network layers

Use the Network layers button to open up the panel that allows you to update your network by: 

  • Adding new data
  • Re-categorizing the existing layers (reassign some data to a different type of layer)  
  • Ignoring a layer  

Network levels 

The Network levels panel allows you to switch the view of your network level from Arterial to Distribution level (or keep both). In Qatium, this means viewing only arterial or distribution pipes (or both simultaneously).      

Network elements 

Use the Network elements panel to display or hide the elements in your network map at will. This way, you can easily focus on the elements that interest you the most at any moment. 

💡 Tip from Q: Want to hide or show certain network elements quickly? Open the assistant and say the word, I’ll do it for you!