If you’re already sending your sensor data to the Qatium asset IDs, you can skip this article. But if you’re sending your sensor ID (e.g. SCADA tag ID, or AMI feed ID or etc.), we created the signal mapping file for you.
The signal mapping file is a CSV file that maps what reading should be associated with which asset and asset property. For example, BPS1.pressure , Pump1, downstreamPressure.
You can upload this file just as any other layer or network, by dragging & dropping it directly into your network.
You can upload the signal mappings files together with other network files in a ZIP file or add them separately to existing networks, but there can only be 1 signal mapping file per network. Every new file added will replace any existing one(s).
The files need to have a specific structure for Qatium to correctly interpret the signal mappings.
Besides having the .csv file extension, they should follow the structure below:
SignalId, assetId, assetProperty
For the readings to be mapped onto an asset correctly, the asset field in your readings file should include the reading, not the asset or property.
Make sure to replace that asset ID with the corresponding signal ID in your readings file and reupload it.
For example, if this is your signal mapping file,
SignalId, assetId, assetProperty
your readings file should look like this
"2024-01-01 00:00:00","ScadaFeed#1","flow","1.723","l/s"
instead of this
"2024-01-01 00:00:00","Pipe#1","flow","1.723","l/s"
Please note that signal mappings are case-insensitive. This means that it makes no difference if your signal IDs are written in lowercase or uppercase letters in the mappings file; Qatium will be able to associate them with the correct target asset ID.
To convert values from your sensor readings, add a valueFactor column to your file:
SignalId, assetId, assetProperty, valueFactor
The valueFactor is a multiplier that allows unit conversions.For example,if your sensor is capturing pressure values in bars but your network pressure is in m, the associated valueFactor would be 10.2
The valueFactor only admits numeric values and decimal points. Anything else will be ignored.
Here are the asset properties that you can update in this way:
Asset | Property |
Tank | level |
Junction | demand, pressure |
Pipe | flow, status |
Pump | status, setting, upstreamPressure, downstreamPressure |
Valve | status, setting, upstreamPressure, downstreamPressure |