Material full name | Accepted aliases |
Asbestos Cement | AC, Asbestos cement, FC, Fibrocemento, fibrocement, uralite, uralita |
Abrasion Resistant Outerwrap | ARO, Abrasion Resistant Outerwrap, Envoltura exterior resistente a la abrasion |
Cast Iron | CI, Cast Iron, Hierro fundido, Fundicion Gris |
Cooper | COPP, Cooper, Cobre |
Concrete Without Sheet Metal Jacket | CWOSMJ, CONC, Concrete Without Sheet Metal Jacket, Hormigon sin camisa de chapa, |
Concrete With Sheet Metal Jacket | CWSMJ, CONCC, Concrete With Sheet Metal Jacket, HCC, Hormigon con camisa de chapa |
Ductile Iron | DI, Ductile Iron, Hierro ductil, FD, Fundicion ductil |
Lined Ductile Iron | DIL, Lined Ductile Iron, Hierro ductil revestido |
Iron | FE, Iron, Hierro |
Galvanized Iron | GI, Galvanized Iron, HG, Hierro galvanizado |
Lined Galvanized Iron | GIL, Lined galvanised iron, Lined galvanized iron, Hierro galvanizado revestido |
High Density Polyethylene | HDPE, High Density Polyethylene, Polietileno de alta densidad |
Lead | L, Lead, Plomo |
Low Density Polyethylene | LDPE, Low Density Polyethylene, Polietileno de baja densidad, Polietileno de densidad baja |
Medium Density Polyethylene | MDPE, Medium Density Polyethylene, Polietileno de densidad media |
Not available | NA, N/A, Not available, No disponible |
Pretressed Concrete | PC, Pretressed Concrete, Hormigon pretensado |
Polyethylene | PE, Polyethylene, Polietileno |
Polyethylene 100 | PE100, Polietileno 100, Polyethylene 100 |
Polyethylene 80 | PE80, Polietileno 80, Polyethylene 80 |
Polyvinyl Chloride | PVC, Polyvinylchloride, Polyvinyl Chloride, Policloruro de vinilo |
Oriented PVC | PVCO, Oriented PVC, PVC orientado |
Reinforced Concrete | RC, Reinforced Concrete, Hormigon armado |
Steel | S, Steel, Acero |
Spun Iron | SI, Spun Iron, Hierro (spun) |
Stainless Steel | SS, Stainless Steel, Acero inoxidable |
Unknown | NIL, UNK, Unknown, Sin determinar, Desconocido |
Unplasticized PVC | UPVC,Unplasticized PVC, PVC no plastificado, Unplasticized polyvinylchloride, Policloruro de vinilo no plastificado |
Aliases are insensitive to case, accents and more than one space. For example, if you write steel instead of Steel the platform will still process it correctly.
Aliases are insensitive to case, accents and more than one space. For example, if you write steel instead of Steel the platform will still process it correctly.